Tuesday, January 20, 2009


trouble maker by pratiwi hape at Tuesday, January 20, 2009

huff..fyuh... setelah sempat terganggu dalam pengerjaan pe-er ini karena harus njemput nyokap akhirnya bisa juga aku menyelesaikannya malam ini. Ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu saya menerima pesan dari salah seorang class mate saya yang biasa kita panggil gondoel. Kebetulan dia dapat pe-er dari salah seorang temannya dan dia teruskan ke temen-temen terpilih lainnya. bangga juga nih jadi temen-temen terpilih. thank's ya nggik. dan inilah hasilnya :

1. The age of next birthday

di umur delapan belas ini, berharap be a better person on everything...amien...

2. The place I would like to visit

yakinlah sumpah...semua ummat muslim pasti pengen ke sini...

3. My Favorite Place

the most beautiful place in this world

4. My Favorite Food

hummm...yummy...cheese pizza the greatest food in this city

5.My Favorite Colour

white 'n black

6. City I was born

surabaya... kota pahlawan... cak cuk...

7. Nickname I had

Puteri = Princess...

8. College Major

masih terdaftar jadi murid SSC

pengen masuk unair dunk... universitas impian nih...

9. Bad Habit

ehem... ngupil deh...

10. Hobby

reading a book...

11. My List Wish

be a doctor, of course...

12. The Thing That I like in all occasion

listening music...

dan serusnya saia akan meneruskan homework ini ke temen-temen tersaiang...
1. http://agitoita.blogspot.com
2. http://nelsonkick.blogspot.com
3. http://sandyansyah.blogspot.com
4. http://ardipistols.bligspot.com
5. http://nrizky.blogspot.com
6. http://larismanis.blogspot.com
7. http://sigubart.blogspot.com

The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

3 omelan:

Anggi Zahriyan on January 21, 2009 at 2:40 PM said...


gmbar nya bagus2 boz.

Yania Evitasari on January 22, 2009 at 6:57 AM said...

putrek . . sii icuss ttu udah jadi penerus pe-erku . nd si nelsen kan penerus pe-ernya anggi . kasian kan mereka masa' di kasii 2 pe-er ma orang berbeda ?

Moch Ardi. A on January 23, 2009 at 9:30 AM said...

ini ngapain pe-er apaan aaaaku gag ngerti ....
mohon bantuan nya mbak

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